Thursday, February 5, 2009

Book Review - My Little Girl by Tim McGraw

My first book review for Thomas Nelson Publishing is the children's book written by Tim McGraw, "My Little Girl". This is a sweet picture book for fathers and daughters and is a nice early reader for those children maybe just a bit more advanced than a level 1 reader. However, it is a great bedtime story book for dads to read to their daughters. The illustrations are beautiful and the book has a great message about dads spending quality time with their daughters doing 'nothing-in-particular'.  It is definitely one of those books I could easily have seen reading to my daughter many nights in a row. While I believe it will be a big draw for fans of Tim McGraw, this book speaks to all dads of daughters.

From a critical viewpoint I think the story starts out kind of odd, that is it feels like it could have started by stating what the story was about, spending the day with daddy. Yes it sort of says this, but it is not written very well. It feels uncomfortable when you read it.  There is also a spot where they are spelling words from their vegetable soup that seemed out of place. I got the message and it was used well later, but again it felt a bit disjointed.  These things wouldn’t prevent me from purchasing for a friend because the message and the pictures are wonderful.